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Bucket List Breckenridge

Last Monday between classes I was reflecting about Okinawa with a co-worker mentioning that I crossed a few items off my imaginary "bucket list". I then talked to her about the movie "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. It then dawned on me: why don't I start a bucket list?

The idea is cliche and sappy of course...but then again I am a tremendous sap. In three months I will be State-side and my year abroad will be over. Boom. Next chapter. People always told me how fast time would fly as I got older. I couldn't believe it at the time: fun moments like summer vacation, my birthday, and Christmas seemed light years a part. Now I'm trying to remember what I have done this past year. Where did the time go? Hey, it was a good call that I started this blog ten months ago; this will help me remember!

I also realized how important it is for me to set goals because time evaporates faster than water on Tucson pavement on a blistering summer day (thank God it was a dry heat at least). Setting goals is critical for continuing my inner momentum. This notion of a bucket list is a good place to start.

Living abroad is an outward journey not only for geographical reasons. One of my goals was to extrovert more: it's necessary in order to make new friendships and acclimate to a different language and culture. I have stumbled of course--that is to be expected. But overall I am pleased with what I have accomplished in less than a year here.

Now I realize that I have to delve inward. In exploring the world (a bit) around me I realize some of the greater mysteries are within. I am inspired by the words of my new bad ass hero, the revolutionary samurai Ryoma Sakamato: "The purpose of coming into this world is to accomplish one's duty."

That quote screams bushido, the samurai philosophy and code of conduct. And yet his words resonate with me almost two centuries later. I believe we all come into this world--dare I say incarnate--for specific reasons. We all have a purpose; there is an order to this cosmos. We are more than a fleshy assembly of atoms. In recent months I have attained more clarity about myself than at any point previously and I have Japan to thank for that. In short by living in Japan I discovered who I am and who I am not.

I am trying to live more intentionally; I'm still trying to understand what I mean by that. To start I would say I want to be more conscientious of my time and how I use it; I want to be more goal-oriented. I want to add to my skills and refine the ones I already possess. As everyone must know by now, I am a man of many words and ideas--many many words. I don't want to stop at words or theory alone. I want to practice what I preach ensuring that my life is a reflection of what I believe.

Other News/Reflections

Heating Up: The weather is warming up here in Goto as summer is fast approaching. That means it's swimming season again! It may be a little early for some but the water is warm enough for me. I am making it a goal to visit Takahama Beach after school on Wednesdays; the beach is only two minutes away by car from Kaitsu Port (where I catch my boat to Saganoshima). I can go to the beach on weekends too weather permitting. I need to enjoy this paradise while I can. After a somber winter, Goto is coming alive again.

A Second Blog: This project may be ambitious considering my lack of consistency in updating this blog! And yet as my time here winds down, I desire to continue writing expanding my lens from Japan to an analysis of politics, economics, and society at large. I would offer a different take on the black-and-white conservative/liberal ideologies that regrettably divide the U.S. and further contribute to its worsening international reputation, its failing economy, and the growing ineffectiveness of an increasingly central planning dogma by the federal government. When the mood strikes I often write a lengthy Facebook post, which is quickly lost and forgotten. It would be more effective for me to have a permanent place where I can post my detailed reflections. Keep an eye out for it. If nothing else, I may clear out my Facebook's friends list fast. Whoops...

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